The Cutting Room Floor

Deleted Scenes

I love watching movies and when I get to the end of a great movie, I love watching the deleted scenes so I can hold onto the story a little longer. As an author, I sometimes have trouble letting go of the scenes I have to cut from my books. I thought this might be a good place to collect some of them to share with anyone who might be interested. Each of these scenes was cut for a particular reason and I’ve learned a little with the elimination of each. I hope they add a little to your reading (and possibly your writing) experience.


Espresso in the Morning Deleted Scenes:The Cutting Room Floor - Espresso in the Morning Harlequin Cover

Lucas Saves Ramsey – this is their initial meeting, where Ramsey is in trouble with some gangbangers and Lucas intervenes. My editor felt it was too coincidental in the timing of the book where I was overstating Lucas’s need to rescue everyone. She felt it showed this behavior as being more of a pattern for him if this scene had occurred in the past before the book began.

Click here to read this scene.

Claire Comes To Terms With Her Relationship With Her Mother – I felt it was important to tie up Claire’s relationship with her mother, albeit not in a nice neat bow. I wanted to show that even though her mother wasn’t likely to change, Claire was able to forgive her and move forward in her life. Due to the fact that this story was originally meant to be a women’s fiction and not a romance we had a great deal of editing to not only introduce the romance, but make it front and center. My editor deleted this scene because it didn’t add to the romance and she wanted to move the focus away from Claire’s therapy so the focus would be on her relationship with Lucas.

Unfortunately, reader feedback indicates too much was cut on the therapy front. I’ve noted reviews where readers were upset with Claire for not getting therapy. I had no idea why they would think that until I remembered this scene that so clearly discusses her therapy. Though her therapy is mentioned elsewhere, it is, unfortunately, now minimized.  I hope this scenes clarifies that issue for some of those readers.

Click here to read this scene.
